Hello, all! Pixlate and I have spent literal minutes preparing this faux puzzle suite for you all. We hope you enjoy medium difficulty puzzles, because that's what- huh? Sorry, Pix is whispering to me through my earpiece here- oh my. Well, I seem to have made a mistake. We hope you enjoy only easy, very memey, or blatantly difficult crosswords, because that's what you're gettin'! This is the same grid, with three different cluesets. The choice is yours! Do not forsake yourself. From Pix: "Yeah, I had a really good time... I take none of the responsibility... something like that. I don't know." The Bad was playtested by Paolo Pasco , and The Ugly was playtested by Lila Goldenberg ! also sorry crosshare stans i'm using puzzleme today also also it's nobody's birthday that we know of also also also pangram babyyy THE GOOD (EASY DIFFICULTY) - PUZZLEME , .PUZ THE BAD (SUPER HARD BROOKE HUSIC EXPERIMENTAL TOOK PAOLO 10:30 TO SOLVE DIFFICULTY) - PUZZ...