BEHOLD! 11 GODFORSAKEN PUZZLES THAT I'VE MADE FOR YOUR SOLVING PLEASURE AND STREAMING ANGER! 5 of these were first published in my college newspaper (those are the easier ones, but they may include some university-specific knowledge (i believe in you to get them through cross-checking!)) and the other 6 are exclusive to the blog and much trickier (as you would expect from my dumbass) I recommend uploading the .puz files to squares.io for solving Thank you to these playtesters: Adam - #1, #7, #11 Adam Aaronson - #2 Ada Nicolle - #4 Ben Tolkin - #3 Ben Zimmer - #5 bolgat - #7 Max Blechman - #10 Ryan Judge - #9 [can't remember who playtested puzzles #6 and #8, if you remember that you did please let me know!] Let me know if you stream your solve of them, I'd love to watch along and provide help if needed! HERE THEY ARE!