I Wanna Give A Gift To You (with meatdaddy)


It's the collab you've all been waitin' for, Frisco and meatdaddy! They are one of the coolest and loveliest crossword people I have met, if you don't already know who they are then you've either been living under a rock or you're my buddy Max (in which case it's fair)

Since we're both big ol' Jews, we decided that collabing on a crossword this holiday season would be a great plan, so here you go! Hope you like the happy man in the grid art, he likes you back :)

From meatdaddy: "Hi everyone! We've finally done it - a long awaited Frisco/meatdaddy collab! As always, I'm incredibly impressed with Frisco. He was like 'hey! I have an idea' and whipped up this lovely, working grid in no time. I feel like a witch gave him grid powers or something. Frisco, care to comment? [dude obviously not scroll up it's not hard] Anyway, I hope you enjoy this puzzle, and chag sameach to all (goyim, too)!"

Best of luck and good yontif

SOLVING MUSIC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1QRSl6hUZw



  1. Cool design and fun puzzle! As an, um, older guy several of your references fell squarely in my whatever-the-opposite-of-wheelhouse is, but the crosses were all fair.


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