Tabula Rasa! (grid constructed by meatdaddy69420!)

yoyoyoyoyo guys i got a question for ya

do we here at gcfpwlbc love meatdaddy

the answer is yes

so this was a thing for meatdaddy's Tabula Rasa project where they made a grid and had other people clue it in their own special ways! here's my abomination, please check out everyone else's as well

oh yeah and here's something md wanted to say too i guess

"One of my favorite things about crossword puzzles is seeing the many ways that different constructors will clue a single word - for just a moment, you get to peer inside the mind of someone else and at the expense of sounding cheesy, it's a lovely, intimate moment. Not only that, but I also frequently find myself thinking "man, I wish I would have thought of that cluing angle!" and it's a testament to the diverse skill sets and talent in our lil' community. The main goal of Tabula Rasa was to pick everyone's brains by sending them a silly grid with fun fill and words with a handful of different cluing angles. I also wanted to get new constructors involved - building your own grid for the first time is not only intimidating, but can also be cost prohibitive during *gestures at world events*. I wanted this to be an approachable opportunity for new constructors to get their foot in the door, and I'm very pleased to say that I think it was successful in that. Ultimately, at the end of the day, I just hope everyone had a lot of fun doing this and I'm really grateful for everyone's enthusiasm about the project!"

anywho on with the show



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